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MRC issues 6 draft bylaws to 18 municipalities

MRC issues 6 draft bylaws to 18 municipalities

3 July 2023 à 8:52 am

The MRC Pontiac’s public safety committee (CSP) has put together a list of new draft bylaws that were issued to local municipalities in a resolution approved at the last council of mayors meeting on June 21.

The committee, made up of several mayors as well as police representatives, proposes county-wide bylaws in order to ease enforcement by local police by ensuring there isn’t a patchwork of different rules across 18 municipalities. The drafts are issued to municipal councils, who will review them. Once these drafts are reviewed, they will proceed with the usual notice of motion, and MRC Fire and Public Safety coordinator Julien Gagnon anticipated that they would likely start coming into force within a few months. The drafts are as follows:

  1. Parking bylaw: sets rules for street parking, fines for infractions
  2. Peace and order in public areas: sets rules for breaching the peace in public spaces (having open alcohol, carrying weapons, etc.)
  3. Nuisance: sets rules for causing nuisance (excessive noise, fireworks, firearms)
  4. Peddling: regulates door-to-door sales in communities
  5. Outdoor use of water:  regulations surrounding municipal water during periods of shortage or drought
  6. Alarm systems: sets penalties for alarm systems that send out multiple false alarms or cause excessive disturbance

The full text of the draft bylaws can be read here in French and English.