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Kim Lesage talks 2022 PPJ report

Kim Lesage talks 2022 PPJ report

21 February 2023 à 3:46 pm

At the last MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting on February 15, council approved the activity report for the PPJ trail for the year 2022. The former rail bed turned multi-use trail is open to non-motorized traffic during the warmer part of the year and snowmobiles during the winter.

CHIP 101.9 spoke with newly appointed MRC Director General Kim Lesage to discuss what work has taken place over the last year and what users of the trail can expect this year. As the report notes, the provincial government reimburses the MRC for much of the expenses of maintaining the trail through the Route Verte program. Lesage noted that in 2022, the MRC also received funding through the Programme d’aide financière aux infrastructures récréatives et sportives (PAFIRS), a joint federal-provincial fund for construction work.

In addition to the typical stone dust resurfacing work, they added three bicycle repair stations near the local high schools and fixed a washout in Mansfield that occurred in the spring.

She said that this year they would continue to spread stone dust, though she couldn’t say where until an assessment is done in the spring.

The full report can be found here: 2022_Rapport_Annuel_PPJ

The full interview with Lesage (5m25) is available here.