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Bus driver strike: document sent to drivers causes confusion

9 May 2023 à 3:05 pm

The school bus drivers’ strike continues in the Pontiac and numerous people expressed shock due to social media posts indicating that the drivers had received a layoff notice from their employer, Autobus Lasalle. Denis Ouellette, a representative of Teamsters Local 106, the union representing the drivers, explained that the drivers had been sent their record […]

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Norma Turcotte Charette elected to Thorne council

8 May 2023 à 11:42 am

Thorne has a new member of council, following the death of councillor Robert Charette earlier this year. Council seat five will be filled the former councillor’s widow Norma Turcotte Charette, as she was the only candidate and was elected by acclamation.

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Update on Mansfield flooding May 5: 14 primary residences flooded and 31 isolated

5 May 2023 à 11:19 am

The most recent report in Mansfield-et-Pontefract indicates that 14 primary residences are flooded and 31 residences have been isolated along with 68 cottages flooded, and 58 cottages isolated. “We remain in evacuation mode. The level of the Ottawa River has made municipal infrastructure dangerous and large areas inaccessible. For people isolated and affected by the […]

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Sandra Armstrong urges people to avoid flooded streets: increased police surveillance planned

4 May 2023 à 6:05 pm

The mayor of Mansfield-et-Pontefract Sandra Armstrong was clear in her latest update to CHIP 101.9, urging motorists to avoid flooded streets. The Sûreté du Québec will be more present throughout the next few hours in these areas, not only to ensure safety of the population, but also to issue tickets if necessary.   The situation […]

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L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet monitoring flood waters, one residence evacuated

3 May 2023 à 9:52 am

The increased levels of the Ottawa River are under close surveillance in L’Île-du-Grand-Calumet. Mayor Jean-Louis Corriveau expressed concern about the increase in the level of the river in the last few hours. “We monitor very closely and our employees inspect the roads regularly,” Corriveau said. So far one residence has been evacuated. Chemin des Outaouais, […]

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List of road closures in the Upper Pontiac

3 May 2023 à 9:27 am

The municipalities of L’Isles-aux-Allumettes, Chichester and Sheenboro have issued a list of the closed roads in their municipalities as of 5 p.m. yesterday (May 2). L’Isles-aux-Allumettes : Chemin M (entirely) Chemin F (entirely) Chemin G (last houses) Chemin P (after #34) Chemin Owl’s Landing (eastbound) Chemin O’Briens Bay (westbound) Chemin Murphys Point (after # 62) […]

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Chemin de la Chute closed north of the Terry-Fox bridge in Mansfield

2 May 2023 à 9:12 am

Updated on 3 May 2023 à 9:04 am

The municipality of Mansfield-et-Pontefract issued a press release yesterday (May 1) about major issues with the culvert near 800 chemin de la Chute. “Presently the water from the march is flowing over the municipal road and the flow of water has affected the roadway dangerously,” the statement reads. “The situation requires us to close the […]

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Unionized school bus drivers begin strike

1 May 2023 à 1:19 pm

Despite the rain, unionized school bus drivers for Autobus Lasalle were out in force this morning (May 1) in Shawville as they followed through with their strike announced earlier this month. Members of Teamsters Local 106, which represents 97 drivers for Autobus Lasalle in the Pontiac region as well as several other companies in the […]

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MRC warns of increased wait times at local SAAQ office

27 April 2023 à 4:03 pm

MRC Pontiac issued a press release on April 26 warning of longer wait times at the license bureau (SAAQ) in Campbell’s Bay, which is housed in the MRC office. The cause of the wait times is due to short staffing. They ask that at this time, residents use the SAAQ’s online service portal whenever possible. […]

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Resolution in favour of increased tax breaks for volunteer firefighters

24 April 2023 à 11:33 am

At the MRC Pontiac council of mayors meeting on April 19, council supported a resolution originally from the MRC of Maskinongé, requesting that the Quebec government change the way salaries paid to volunteer firefighters are taxed. The resolution asks that province adopt recommendations from l’Association des gestionnaires en sécurité incendie et civile du Québec (AGSICQ), […]

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