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Mansfield military drill: public and media unaware

8 July 2020 à 12:00 am

The citizens of Mansfield and the surrounding area were surprised, this Tuesday July 7, by a military exercise which took place on the side of the old Davidson sawmill. Noises from helicopters were heard and several citizens seemed to have received no notice to this effect, as did the media. The Mansfield-et-Pontefract city council confirmed […]

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Outaouais first: a new strategy to encourage local purchasing

8 July 2020 à 12:00 am

A new strategy to raise awareness and encourage people in the Outaouais region to buy locally from local businesses will be launched this week. To highlight this launch, a discussion panel was organized with various entrepreneurs from the Outaouais region, including Mélisa Parenteau, owner of a spa in the Buckingham sector, who explained the steps […]

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Lyme Disease, more and more cases present in the Pontiac

7 July 2020 à 12:00 am

Cases of Lyme disease in Quebec are increasingly present with the number of ticks on the rise across the province including the Pontiac sector of the Outaouais region. Émily Manthrop, a physician specializing in public health and preventive medicine at the Direction de la Santé Publique in the Outaouais, explained that the risk of contracting […]

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Heat wave advisory in the Pontiac

7 July 2020 à 12:00 am

An extreme heat wave started today in the Pontiac Region and will continue for the next four days. According to Environment Canada, temperatures will exceed 30 degrees during the day and will not drop below 17 degrees at night. The combined temperature and humidity value ​​will reach a humidex factor between 35 and 39. The […]

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François Legault “open” to the Energy from waste in the Pontiac

7 July 2020 à 12:00 am

The Premier of Quebec, François Legault, says he is “open” to the implementation of a Energy from Waste project in the Pontiac. During a press briefing held in Chelsea on July 3rd, the leader of the Coalition Avenir Québec gave his opinion on a project of this kind in the Outaouais region, in response to […]

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Lise Waters Prize awarded to Sensei Tim Sullivan from the Chapeau Karate Club

7 July 2020 à 12:00 am

The Gala Excellence sportive Outaouais (Outaouais Sports Excellence Gala) paid a posthumous tribute to Sensei Tim Sullivan from the Chapeau Karate Club, by dedicating to him the Lise Waters – Hommage au bâtisseur prize (Tribute to the builder). This distinction was accompanied by a video describing the life of the founder of the Club, who […]

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Watering ban in Fort-Coulonge

7 July 2020 à 12:00 am

The municipality of Fort-Coulonge advises its residents and those of the St-Camille sector that a watering ban is in effect and will remain until further notice. According to the municipal office, the drinking water tank is very low. Citizens are therefore asked to reduce their consumption of water, in particular to stop watering their land […]

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Major water failure in Davisdon : residents must boil their water

7 July 2020 à 12:00 am

Update 7:50pm : the reparation on the water system is now completed. Residents must boil their water before consumption, and this until further notice. ******* A “major” failure occurred on the aqueduct network in the municipality of Mansfield in the Davidson sector. The repair time is estimated at around 12 hours and the water will […]

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Discover Quebec cheeses this summer

7 July 2020 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:10 am

With the current situation, many people will no doubt decide to stay in the province for their summer vacation. This will be an opportunity to rediscover their corner of the country. To do so, the Quebec Dairy Industrial Council is launching a brand new initiative to support the Quebec economy and at the same time […]

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Severe thunderstorms: still more than 2,000 Hydro-Québec clients customers in the dark in the Pontiac

3 July 2020 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:10 am

Still more than 2,000 Hydro-Québec customers are still without power, almost nine hours after the passage of severe thunderstorms in the Pontiac. The municipalities most affected by the weather conditions on Thursday evening are, among others, Mansfield-et-Pontefract, Otter Lake and Thorne. Part of the municipalities of Fort-Coulonge, Bristol, Alleyn-et-Cawood and Litchfield are also still without […]

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