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Lise Waters Prize awarded to Sensei Tim Sullivan from the Chapeau Karate Club

Lise Waters Prize awarded to Sensei Tim Sullivan from the Chapeau Karate Club

7 July 2020 à 12:00 am

The Gala Excellence sportive Outaouais (Outaouais Sports Excellence Gala) paid a posthumous tribute to Sensei Tim Sullivan from the Chapeau Karate Club, by dedicating to him the Lise Waters – Hommage au bâtisseur prize (Tribute to the builder).

This distinction was accompanied by a video describing the life of the founder of the Club, who unfortunately died on February 9th.

Mr. Sullivan is the only winner of the Outaouais Sports Excellence Gala from the Pontiac. Among the nominees in other categories, there were two young athletes from Mansfield, Naomie and Xavier Lusignan, respectively in the categories “Provincial female athlete of the year” and “National male athlete of the year”.

In addition to the excellence scholarships awarded to laureates from across the Outaouais region, seven additional scholarships were awarded to students for their academic excellence, one of which was awarded to a Pontiac High School student, Camryn Gibbons, who is the recipient for the Western Quebec School Board.

The Gala Excellence sportive Outaouais 2020 paid tribute in the last days to 47 finalists and crowned 25 laureates of the sports and leisure scene in Outaouais. The event awarded more than $ 27,000 in scholarships.

The situation surrounding COVID-19 has forced the Gala to reinvent itself this year. The event, which was to take place in person on Thursday, May 28th, was instead presented online from July 2nd to 7th.