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Additional police officers will be deployed in the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais

10 January 2021 à 12:00 am

The Public Security Police Service of the MRC des Collines-de-l’Outaouais will take part in the implementation of the new ministerial decree regarding the public health emergency, re- confinement and curfew as of today January 9th until February 8th 2021. “We are currently living an exceptional situation and we are all going through difficult times. However, […]

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New fund to be created to help support the artist community of the MRC Pontiac

9 January 2021 à 12:00 am

A new fund will be created to support the artistic community of the MRC Pontiac. The MRC Pontiac wishes to encourage the practice of the arts in the Pontiac and the accessibility of arts and culture to the population of Pontiac, it was resolved by council to develop a new fund to support artists and […]

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A protest against the public health measures planned in Fort-Coulonge

8 January 2021 à 12:00 am

A Facebook group invited the population to demonstrate against the government’s measures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the name “Taking back the Pontiac !! », the group planned a demonstration in the streets of Fort-Coulonge this Sunday (January 10). Under the title “Let’s Voice Our Rights! “, the organizers mention that “the time to sit […]

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Tourisme Outaouais is looking for a new CEO

8 January 2021 à 12:00 am

Tourisme Outaouais has announced that its President CEO, France Bélisle, will be leaving the organization on April 2. The latter had already submitted her resignation in March 2020, a few days before the start of the pandemic. “The president of the board, Geneviève Dumas, told me then that I could change my mind. I called […]

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The Patro is offering cross-country skiing and snowshoeing

8 January 2021 à 12:00 am

In the coming weeks, activities and opportunities to go out are likely to be rather rare, however the Patro de Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield will offer the residents of the MRC Pontiac the opportunity to go on snowshoe or ski hikes. The director of the Patro, Suzanne Dazé, indicated, in connection with public health authorizations, that […]

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Virtual meeting in the Outaouais aimed at raising awareness among seniors about the realities of LGBTQ seniors

8 January 2021 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:14 am

The Fondation Émergence is launching a virtual regional tour aimed at raising awareness among seniors about the realities of LGBTQ + seniors in the Outaouais. Fondation Émergence will target one region of Quebec per month and it will be in the Outaouais on January 27. The project manager at Fondation Émergence, Julien Rougerie, explained that […]

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ESSC reminds you of the rules to follow for homeschooling

8 January 2021 à 12:00 am

Following the government’s announcement, the École secondaire Sieur-de-Coulonge (ESSC) reminded parents and students of certain information about it. As announced by the Government of Quebec, online courses continue until Thursday, January 14 for high school students, January 15 being a pedagogical day. The direction of ESSC underlines in a communication sent to the parent that […]

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The public consultation on forestry activities in the Outaouais has begun

8 January 2021 à 12:00 am

From January 6 to 30, 2021, the MRC Pontiac invites the population to express their concerns regarding new potential intervention sectors and an infrastructure (forest camp) on public land within the framework of operational integrated forest management plans (PAFIO) 2018-2023 from the Outaouais. In collaboration with the MRC Pontiac, the Department will hold two virtual […]

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Quebecers in curfew starting Saturday

7 January 2021 à 12:00 am

Premier François Legault announced yesterday that a curfew will be implemented from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., from this Saturday until February 8. The government says it wants to put in place a “shock treatment” to force Quebeckers to isolate themselves at home in order to break the second wave of the pandemic. Fines of […]

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Jane Toller asks Pontiac citizens to respect the curfew

7 January 2021 à 12:00 am

In her update of the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic with CHIP 101.9, the Warden of the MRC Pontiac commented on the measures put in place by the government of Quebec, including the curfew that will be in effect from Saturday between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. Jane Toller says she supports Premier Legault’s measures. […]

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