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Author: Marie Gionet

28 February 2023 à 5:02 pm

Last night (February 27), MRC Pontiac held a public consultation on daycare services in the region at their office in Campbell’s Bay. Three members of the public attended in person, along with a handful more via Zoom. The meeting was led by Warden Jane Toller, along with Pontiac MNA André Fortin. Fortin laid out the […]

28 February 2023 à 5:01 pm

Mona Donnelly, the general manager of the Bambinos Universe Early Childhood Centers in Luskville and Shawville, discusses daycare services in the area following a public meeting that MRC Pontiac held on the subject on February 27.

28 February 2023 à 4:24 pm

Pontiac MNA André Fortin talks about the state of daycare services in the Pontiac region following a public meeting on the subject on February 27.

28 February 2023 à 1:42 pm

The playoffs are progressing for minor hockey teams in Fort-Coulonge. Following their victories last night, the Atoms (U-11) will now play in the Division B final in the coming days. This is also the case for the Bantam Comets (U-15) who will soon play in the Division A final. As for the Comets Pee-Wee (U-13), […]

27 February 2023 à 3:07 pm

Following the recent news that the National Bank will be relocating their branch in Shawville, from downtown at the corner of rue Centre and rue Main, to the strip mall along Hwy. 148, CHIP 101.9 spoke with Alexandre Guay, a senior public affairs advisor with the bank to learn more about the move. He explained […]

27 February 2023 à 9:40 am

The Quebec Games will take place from March 3 to 11 in Rivière-du-Loup, welcoming athletes from all over Quebec between the ages of 13 and 17. Among the Outaouais delegation, two athletes from Pontiac will participate in gymnastics, Teo Challita from Shawville and Aude Croteau from the Luskville sector of the Municipality of Pontiac. About […]

27 February 2023 à 9:26 am

Updated on 27 February 2023 à 3:29 pm

Dave Hérault was elected to Fort-Coulonge council seat one in last night’s byelection, CHIP 101.9 has learned. The result of the vote was again close for the other candidate, Freeda Béchamp-Graveline, who received 192 votes against 196 for Hérault. Recall that in the 2021 general election, Béchamp-Graveline also finished 4 votes behind her opponent at […]

24 February 2023 à 12:43 pm

Updated on 24 February 2023 à 3:28 pm

Next Saturday, March 4, the snowmobile drag races will return to the grounds across from the Centre de loisirs des Draveurs Century 21 Élite (Fort-Coulonge arena) for their 25th edition. This is the first time the event has returned since the pandemic and organizer Pierre Laporte exaplained that this year they would be donating their […]

24 February 2023 à 9:58 am


The board of directors at Loisir sport Outaouais (LSO) announced in a press release that as of March 17 of this year, Frédérique Delisle will be leaving her post of director general, which she has occupied since 2012. Speaking on behalf of the board, chair Jean-Yves Lord thanked her for her work. “Frederique has shown […]

23 February 2023 à 3:53 pm

Recently, Ducks Unlimited Canada announced the acquisition of properties in Île-du-Grand-Calumet and Isle-aux-Allumettes. In the following interview with CHIP 101.9, biologist and Isle-aux-Allumettes native, Jacob Demers explained the characteristics that motivated Ducks Unlimited Canada to invest in land in the Pontiac.