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Author: Marie Gionet

22 May 2023 à 2:23 pm

Even though she is still a junior, Naomie Lusignan showed all her talent over the weekend at the 2023 Canadian Senior Weightlifting Championships in Scarborough Ontario. The Mansfield-and-Pontefract teenager won gold in the clean and jerk and overall, lifting 201 kg. She also won silver in the snatch, as she competed in the 71 kg […]

On Thursday evening (May 18), Pontiac High School held their athletic banquet, with a packed auditorium celebrating the achievements of a number of students throughout the year. The evening kicked off with a video message from Teena Murray, an alumni who currently serves as the Senior Vice President of Integrated Performance for the NHL’s Pittsburgh […]

22 May 2023 à 2:17 pm

PHS physical education teacher Darcy Findlay talks about the 2023 Athletics Banquet.

19 May 2023 à 3:08 pm

New apartments have been built the Amyotte project neighborhood in Mansfield-et-Pontefract. These apartments are based on an open concept style and are aimed at a 55 and over aged clientele. The project creator, Danick Boisvert,  told CHIP 101.9 that he has wanted to bring a new apartement concept like this to the Pontiac, with his […]

19 May 2023 à 10:31 am

This week, the MRC Pontiac marked World Agritourism Day, which took place on May 16. The MRC Pontiac’s economic development commissioner, Shanna Armstrong, pointed out that the Pontiac territory has a long and rich agricultural heritage. And the MRC’s agriculture past is still crucial part of its present. The MRC Pontiac will see four different […]

19 May 2023 à 10:05 am

The Knights of Columbus, Council 7221, is hosting its Traditional Bazaar Supper on June 18 at the Knights of Columbus Community Hall, 525 Baume Street in Fort-Coulonge. One of the organizers, Pierre Raymond, told CHIP 101.9 that they are taking on a hybrid approach this year, orgnaizing the Bazaar compartively to past events while taking […]

19 May 2023 à 9:51 am

The équipe-école (School team) and the students of l’Envolée (part of the French Pontiac Elementary schools – École les Petits Ponts) in Cambell’s Bay will officially launch a book co-created by students called: “Les aventures mystérieuses Siméon et le train” or, unofficial translatio: “The mysterious adventures of Siméon and the train.” The book will be […]

18 May 2023 à 9:44 pm

Updated on 19 May 2023 à 9:30 am

Fort-Coulonge’s municipal council has decided to offer teenagers a first in the Pontiac, with the creation of a “pump track” which should be constructed next year. Mayor Christine Francoeur explained the concept of a pump track, where riders can use body movement to gain momentum over a series of small humps and corners. “Christine Francoeur: […]

18 May 2023 à 3:17 pm


After nearly three weeks at an impasse, the two sides involved in the ongoing bus driver strike are headed back to the bargaining table, this time with a government appointed mediator. Teamsters Local 106, the union representing the bus drivers and SOGESCO, the parent company of local bus operators Autobus Lasalle and Bigras Transport, have […]

18 May 2023 à 3:16 pm


Denis Ouellette, representing Teamsters Local 106, discusses the new developments in the negotiations. CHIP101.9 · Interview – Denis Ouellette – mediation