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L’Envolée students and staff create book « Les aventures mystérieuses Siméon et le train » to launch on June 09

L’Envolée students and staff create book « Les aventures mystérieuses Siméon et le train » to launch on June 09

19 May 2023 à 9:51 am

The équipe-école (School team) and the students of l’Envolée (part of the French Pontiac Elementary schools – École les Petits Ponts) in Cambell’s Bay will officially launch a book co-created by students called: “Les aventures mystérieuses Siméon et le train” or, unofficial translatio: “The mysterious adventures of Siméon and the train.”

The book will be launch alongside an Art exhibit created by these students which served as the insperation for the illustration featured in the book.

The book itself was illustrated by Sylvain Blouin, a professional illustrator, that helped the students and school team to create this story that takes place in different eras and in differnt municipalities in the Pontiac. The Pontiac Historical Society that was also an invaluable source of information for the students and school team helping them find and illustrating artifacts that play an important role in history.

The book will officially be launched on June 9th.