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Author: Marie Gionet

Back in 2009, exasperated by the number of power outages in his area, L’Isle-aux-Allumettes farmer David Gillespie started keeping track of the electrical grid servicing the Upper Pontiac, documenting the length and frequency of its failures. After 15 years, numerous discussions with elected officials and Hydro-Quebec representatives, it appears that the numbers are trending in […]

L’Isle-aux-Allumettes farmer David Gillespie talks about power outages in the Upper Pontiac in 2023.

Environment Canada is warning of a major weather system that is set to hit the Pontiac this weekend. “Precipitation is expected to begin on Saturday, initially as rain. The rain is expected to change over to snow overnight Saturday night and could continue into Sunday evening,” the statement reads. “Significant rainfall amounts, and then snowfall […]

While the recent run of warm weather might be welcomed by many in the Pontiac, it is causing some challenges for maple syrup producers in the area. Hélène Alary, owner of Sucrerie Alary in Luskville, told CHIP 101.9 that while this year’s temperatures were unusual, this isn’t the earliest they’ve had to start boiling sap […]

Hélène Alary, co-owner of Sucrerie Alary in Luskville, discusses the early start to this year’s season.

The Norway Bay pier, a fixture in the cottaging community for decades will be closed until further notice following the results of an engineering report on its structural integrity. The decision had been anticipated in the last few weeks, but was made official at the Bristol municipal council meeting on March 4. Bristol councillor Val […]

With this year’s mild weather thawing out the Pontiac, the Quyon Ferry will be resuming voyages across the Ottawa River later this week, the earliest opening in recent history. Co-owner Ralph McColgan said that they were aiming to start Thursday, March 7 at 5:30 a.m., but would make the final confirmation via their website on […]

Around 100 people gathered at the Campbell’s Bay RA Hall on Saturday (March 2) for an information session opposing the waste incineration project that is being explored by MRC Pontiac. The idea to build a facility in the area to incinerate the Ottawa region’s waste has been spearheaded by Warden Jane Toller, and council voted […]

4 March 2024 à 11:45 am

Updated on 4 March 2024 à 3:31 pm


March 4, 3:31 p.m. This story has been updated from its original version. Quebec’s police watchdog, the Bureau des enquêtes indépendantes (BEI) is investigating after a woman suffered a serious injury while in police custody in Campbell’s Bay on Friday (March 1). The BEI issued a statement on March 2 regarding the incident, laying out […]

Regional health authority CISSSO announced in a press release on February 29 that they had acquired a new ultrasound machine for the ER at the Mansfield CLSC. The statement notes that the machine was purchased with the support of the Fondation du CLSC du Pontiac and donors, who raised $40,000 for the equipment. “For the […]