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WQLC tutor training workshop in Chapeau

WQLC tutor training workshop in Chapeau

22 August 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:46 am

The Western Quebec Literacy Council (WQLC) is looking for volunteer literacy and math tutors to help the upper pontiac area. To help get people from the area involved the WQLC has decided to hold a tutor training workshop in Chapeau on September 15. WQLC Executive Director Michèle Gagnon explains that the training is open to anyone interested:

The workshop is being held on September 15 from 10 am to 3 PM at West Pontiac Ouest Connects, 120 King Chapeau. A free lunch is provided. Those interested must register in advance. For more information visit
