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Workshops coming soon: Get Growing! A Garden

Workshops coming soon: Get Growing! A Garden

4 April 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:53 am

Three workshops are being organized in the Pontiac by Jardin éducatif du Pontiac in collaboration with the Table de Développement Social du Pontiac (TDSP) and the Comité Saines habitudes de vie. The goal of the three workshops is to teach people how to grow, maintain and harvest a pesticide free fresh garden that cost less than buying vegetables at the supermarket. The Director of the Jardin Éducatif, Martin Riopel, spoke with CHIP about the first impressions that he has received from the community so far:

There will be three workshops: the first, on May 4th (planting a garden), the second, on June 15th (maintaining your garden) and the third, on September 14th (harvest time). The first workshop will be given in both Quyon and Fort-Coulonge and its 15$ per person.
The full interview with Martin Riopel is available here.

Please note that the start date for Get Growing! A garden will be June 1st. Also, the location in Quyon has been changed to the Quyon Family Centre (1074 Clarendon Street). Thank you for understanding.
