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Work on the Picanoc Road to be planned in 2021

Work on the Picanoc Road to be planned in 2021

18 January 2021 à 12:00 am

The Mayor of Otter Lake, Kim Cartier-Villeneuve, explained the various accomplishments of her council during the most recent year. “Despite COVID-19, we have managed to achieve a lot of things, including the purchase of a truck for snow removal, the improvement of several roads and work on our baseball field” argues Mayor Kim Cartier- Villeneuve.

Over the next few months, Kim Cartier-Villeneuve mentions that several works are planned on the roads of the municipality. “We are going to spread gravel over 11 km of Picanoc road. It is important that we make repairs on Picanoc Road ”mentioned Kim Cartier-Villeneuve.

The full interview with Kim Cartier-Villeneuve is available here.