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William Amos re-elected in the Pontiac riding

William Amos re-elected in the Pontiac riding

22 October 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:01 am

The Liberal William Amos was re-elected to the riding of Pontiac in the 2019 federal election, winning about 48.9% of the votes.

The results were very close for second place in the Pontiac. The race was between the Conservative candidate, Dave Blackburn, and the Bloc Québécois candidate, Jonathan Carreiro-Benoit. When the preliminary results were recorded, Dave Blackburn finished in second.


The next federal government will be minority and Liberal. The Outaouais ridings have all elected Liberals MPs in this federal election.

Interviews with candidates

During the election night, CHIP 101.9 spoke to the three of the candidates in the Pontiac; William Amos, Dave Blackburn and Jonathan Carreiro-Benoit, to get their impressions of the preliminary results.

On the field, François Carrier was at the election night of incumbent Liberal MP William Amos. He gave his reactions to CHIP 101.9 following the announcement of his re-election.
The full interview is available here..

The Conservative candidate Dave Blackburn said he was pleased with his campaign, but said he was disappointed with the results. The full interview is available here.

For the Bloc Québécois candidate Jonathan Carreiro-Benoit said he was very satisfied with the campaign and with the results of his party, he said he believes that a greater presence of the BQ in the House of Commons will help advance many projects. The full interview is available here..

More details will follow regarding the 2019 federal election in the riding of Pontiac over the next week.