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William Amos highlights new federal support for provincial and municipal governments

William Amos highlights new federal support for provincial and municipal governments

22 July 2020 à 12:00 am

In a publication released yesterday (July 20), the federal deputy for Pontiac, William Amos welcomes the announcement by his government of Canada which in his opinion will have positive impacts on the government of Quebec and other provinces to ensure health and safety of Canadians and to ensure they receive the support they need during these difficult times. Last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a federal investment of more than $ 19 billion to help provinces and municipalities boost their economies in this pandemic context.

“The investment will help increase the ability to detect the virus
and contact tracing to protect Canadians from a future
hatching. It will also serve to support the capacity of our care systems
health, including those who face health problems
mental health, to facilitate the purchase of personal protective equipment for
help our essential workers and protect the most vulnerable, such as
our elders. Said MP William Amos.

MP Amos highlighted how this $ 19 billion deal will allow Quebec to inject financial resources for municipal governments: “In addition, the Framework will help to channel funds quickly to municipalities so that they can provide essential services that Canadians rely on every day, such as public transportation. common. For each dollar invested by the federal government to support municipalities in the delivery of essential services, Quebec will also invest one dollar, which will allow it to obtain significant additional funds from COVID-19 for the more than 40 municipalities in the riding. of Pontiac. The funds will flow from the province to the municipalities according to a process they will determine. -William Amos.