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West Pontiac Fire Ban

West Pontiac Fire Ban

11 July 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:45 am

The municipalities of Chichester, Sheenboro and L’Isle-aux-Allumettes are advising residents and seasonal residents that there is currently a total ban on fire and outdoor burning in effect until further notice. In recent days, the Society for the Protection of Forests Against Fire (SOPFEU) has recorded several fires, notably due to lightning, one of which triggered a fire in Sheenboro. This fire is now under control, but weather conditions remain dry in the Outaouais. SOPFEU therefore asks for the cooperation of the population to avoid igniting new fires. The municipality of Campbell’s Bay also last week issued a complete ban on outdoor fires for the safety of its residents.
