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“We’re looking at a return to normal for next school year” Mike Dubeau

“We’re looking at a return to normal for next school year” Mike Dubeau

18 December 2020 à 12:00 am

In the most recent update with the Western Quebec School Board (WQSB), the director general Mike Dubeau addressed the recent announcements from the Quebec Government on the Pontiac becoming a Red Zone. Mike Dubeau said that if the Pontiac stays in the highest level of prevention against COVID-19, high school students could start going to school on alternate days after the Holiday break.

Dubeau also spoke about what parents need to be aware of with online learning with the extended Holiday break.

Finally, Mike Dubeau touched on the arrival of vaccines in Canada, saying the WQSB is not sure when they will be receiving vaccinations, but are hopeful for a “Return to Normal” by late August 2021.

The full interview with the director general of the Western Quebec School Board, Mike Dubeau, is available here.