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Wave of denunciation on social media: the pros and cons according to l’EntourElle

Wave of denunciation on social media: the pros and cons according to l’EntourElle

6 August 2020 à 12:00 am

The waves of denunciations of aggressors and harassers on social media, notably on Facebook and Instagram, continue to share opinions on the impact of such revelations.

According to the community worker at the EntourElle shelter, which helps women victims of domestic violence in the Pontiac, Vanessa Chabot, the consequences vary from one situation to another.

Some people who are victims of sexual assault or harassment have chosen to publicly indicate the name of their alleged aggressor on social media, sometimes anonymously. Chabot specified that those who decide to denounce such acts should also feel comfortable going to the resources that are available, particularly through shelters in order to navigate the situation.

Vanessa Chabot reminds that the resources offered by l’EntourElle remain available to women wishing to be supported, in complete confidentiality. Services are offered to counter violence in all its forms, whether physical, verbal, psychological, sexual or economic.

For help, you can contact the EntourElle workers at any time at 819-683-2709.

The full interview with Vanessa Chabot is available here.

Also read : L’EntourElle : a decrease in calls on the 24/7 line