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Victory Garden: The Quyon Family Center Community Garden

Victory Garden: The Quyon Family Center Community Garden

13 July 2020 à 12:00 am

In April, with the uncertainty of food supplies brought on by the pandemic, many politicians were encouraging the public to create a ‘Victory Garden’, an initiative created during the Second World War to allow for a self-sustaining food supply.

The Quyon Family Center in the municipality of Pontiac took on this initiative to create a community garden in the town of Quyon, as explained by the Director General, Silviana Geoffray.

Last year, an initiative entitled: “Get Growing a Garden” was created by the Table Agroalimentaire de l’Outaouais and spearheaded by the Jardin Éducatif du Pontiac, this year the Quyon family center took on the initiative to teach their community to grow, cultivate and close a garden.

More details are available on the Maison de la Famille de Quyon’s Facebook page.
The full interview with Siliviana Geoffray is available here.