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Two calls for cultural projects in the Pontiac

Two calls for cultural projects in the Pontiac

10 May 2021 à 12:00 am

Two calls were launched by the MRC Pontiac, in the field of culture. First, a call for cultural leisure activities in the amount of $ 5,000, which aims to encourage the practice of cultural leisure and initiatives using culture as a tool for social intervention. This call for tenders aims to promote cultural leisure as a major component of Quebec culture, financial support for cultural leisure activities, particularly in networks aimed at populations with less access to culture, such as young people in Quebec, day camps or our senior CHSLD residents.

“Without being limited to it, for example, there could be municipal drive-ins, activities in parks for families, young people, seniors (science, music, art exhibitions, theater , improvisation, etc…), the addition to the festival / community events of cultural aspects, outdoor concerts ”, specifies the MRC Pontiac.

A total of 5 grants of $ 1,000 / (totaling $ 5,000) are to be awarded under this call.

A second call for tenders is also offered within the framework of the Actions for the elderly program of the provincial government plan.

“The Quebec Seniors Action Program is a financial support program for organizations that can contribute to the sustainability of their activities for seniors. The activities supported must encourage intergenerational solidarity, the development of seniors, their social participation or their maintenance in their community in complete safety, ”indicates the MRC for the launch of this call for tenders.

These calls for tenders are aimed at municipalities, non-profit organizations, legally constituted non-profit cooperatives, legally constituted artists’ collectives, schools and early childhood centers as well as libraries.

Details of these calls for tenders are available here.