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Towards the opening of the Pont Blanc Beach in a few weeks

Towards the opening of the Pont Blanc Beach in a few weeks

11 May 2021 à 12:00 am

The Pont Blanc Beach located in Mansfield-et-Pontefract, will be open again this year, and swimmers will also be able to obtain information on the beach and swimming conditions as is the case at the other beaches of the Outaouais. One of the managers of the Aventure Hélianthe organization, Louis Harvey, responsible for the beach, mentioned that the equipment should be installed soon and that disabled people should be able to have access to a beach mat to enjoy the place this year.

“There will start with water tests, the results will be disseminated everywhere and will provide great visibility across the Outaouais and attract people from elsewhere,” believes Louis Harvey.

The official opening of the beach should take place around June 22, but people will be able to get there before that date. The French interview with Louis Harvey from Aventure Hélianthe is available here.