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Tour of the Patro

Tour of the Patro

19 July 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:57 am

Yesterday, CHIP 101.9 met with the president and director general of the Patro in Fort-Coulonge, Gélineault Dionne and Marc Frappier, who gave a tour of the Patro and of the damage done by the 2019 Floods. Although all 18 buildings at the Patro sustained damages from the flood, most of the damage cause was to infiltration. In each building, four feet of drywall and isolation had to be removed due to contamination, with the exception of the Cabane à sucre, where the walls were completely removed as it was the last building assess by the renovation company as explained by Gélineault Dionne at the end of the tour:

Dionne and Frappier repeated on many occasion during the tour that most of the work that has been done to the building were to avoid contamination as a way to still open their Summer Camps this season. Other unusual damage caused by the floods at Patro was the lack of fish, as they noticed, in the fishing pond they created a few years prior as part of their annual Pêche en Herbe, youth fishing lessons.

A full report on the tour of the damages cause to the Patro by the 2019 floods will be presented soon on CHIP 101.9 along with photos on Facebook.
