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The WQSB confirms 10 cases of COVID-19 in their schools

The WQSB confirms 10 cases of COVID-19 in their schools

30 September 2020 à 12:00 am

In a letter sent by the Western Quebec School Board (WQSB), the Director General, Mike Dubeau, confirms that there were 10 cases of COVID-19 in their schools since the start of the school year.

The confirmed cases were at the following schools:

• September 6 – 1 employee at Wakefield Elementary School
• September 14 – 2 students at South Hull Elementary School
• September 15 – 1 student at Symmes/D’Arcy High School
• September 18 – 2 students at South Hull Elementary School
• September 22 – 1 employee at Hadley/PWHS
• September 25 – 2 students at South Hull Elementary School
• September 26 – 1 student at Pierre Elliott Elementary School

“In each case, parents, students, and staff have followed the directives of Public Health. In cases where full classes needed to be in self-isolation the school has switched to on-line learning for the students. We are all deeply concerned about the health and welfare of our students and staff. We will continue to work diligently with all of our partners to make our schools and centres as safe as possible.”, said the letter sent out by the WQSB.

More information will be available Thursday with the Director General of the Western Quebec School Board Mike Dubeau and the full letter to the community sent by the WQSB is available here.