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The Warden decides in favor of silvicultural work

The Warden decides in favor of silvicultural work

25 March 2021 à 12:00 am

The extraordinary meeting held yesterday at the MRC Pontiac once again demonstrated the division between the mayors on the issue of the forest industry. The mayors David Rochon of Waltham and Gilles Dionne of Mansfield presented a proposal to modify the budget of the sums obtained by the Sustainable Forest Management Program (PADF), to create silvicultural works, with the aim, according to them, of creating contracts for Pontiac workers.

Last week, the mayor of L’Isle-aux-Allumettes, Winston Sunstrum, wanted to use this sum to again hire the consultant Pierre Vézina to advance the bio-park file, planned for the regional industrial park located in Litchfield . Warden Jane Toller argued that this proposal was a way of fulfilling the MRC’s mission in the forest industry, which is to employ people from the Pontiac. Mayor Sunstrum did not see the urgency to make a decision and found the proposal rushed. 

The same scenario that has happened every month since November has been repeated again. Nine mayors voted in favor and nine mayors voted against. The Warden used her vote this time to vote in favor and modify the PADF budget. The Warden’s vote was also questioned by the mayor of Campbell’s Bay, Maurice Beauregard.

PADF has therefore seen its budget modified with this resolution. The mayors in favor of the bio-park have probably not said their last word, but the more time goes by, the municipal elections next November are getting closer.