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The UMQ believes that mental health should be a priority for the municipal community

The UMQ believes that mental health should be a priority for the municipal community

1 December 2020 à 12:00 am

The Union des municipalités du Québec (UMQ) at the Table Québec-Municipalités (TQM), in the presence of the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Andrée Laforest, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Security, Geneviève Guilbault, and the Minister for Social Services , Lionel Carmant. During the meeting, the UMQ reiterated the importance of having a major discussion on mental health, in order to better support municipal police forces. “Deinstitutionalization has ensured that municipalities have become the safety net. They find their own solutions, which may not necessarily be applicable in other regions. We must avoid the wall-to-wall. Local governments work closely with community organizations, which without them would not be able to do it. We need bottom-up solutions, ”said UMQ President and Sainte-Julie Mayor Suzanne Roy.

The land protection plan against floods, the national strategy for land use planning and housing also attracted attention during this meeting.

In addition, the UMQ recalled that the Canada-Quebec Housing Agreement was well received by the municipalities, but that it did not provide the funds necessary to build new social and affordable housing. “There is a crying need to build new units, and this must go through the AccèsLogis Québec program. This is the priority of our members. The federal government must quickly sit down with Quebec to release additional funds, notably via the National Housing Co-Investment Fund, ”concluded the UMQ president. Still on housing, the creation of social and affordable housing in the regions involves, in particular, a review of the terms and conditions for the maximum admissible costs (CMA). “You have to index the CMAs, but also adjust them according to the reality of each region. Concrete, asphalt and building materials are often much more expensive in regions than in urban centers. This means that municipalities must increase their contribution to carry out projects… when they have the capacity! Also, the RénoRégion program must be improved, and I thank Minister Laforest for her openness and her efforts to ensure that new amounts are announced in the next budget, ”concluded for his part the first vice-president of the UMQ and mayor. from Gaspé, Mr. Daniel Côté.

The TQM is a consultation and partnership body that meets as needed. It is a place where representatives of the government of Quebec and of the municipal and housing sectors discuss issues concerning the place, role, responsibilities and administration of the municipalities and the actors concerned.