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The Sûreté du Québec update of Thanksgiving weekend

The Sûreté du Québec update of Thanksgiving weekend

17 October 2019 à 12:00 am

During the Thanksgiving long weekend, the Sûreté du Québec carried out various interventions and operations from October 11 to 14 in the province. In the Outaouais and Laurentides, the Sûreté have reported more than 640 offenses, including 455 cases of speeding. This report also includes a dozen arrests for impaired driving, seven collisions with wounded and a fatal collision.

During the 318 roadside checks across the province over the weekend, the police arrested 92 people for impaired driving by alcohol, drugs or a combination of the two, which corresponds to 10 arrests more than last year. In review of the operations on the Quebec highways, three people were reported dead in three collision, which as a comparison to last year, 1 person died. In addition, 127 cases of injuries by collision occurred in the territory served by the Sûreté du Québec compared to 100 last year.

As a result for the Outaouais-Laurendites:
Speeding: 455
Seat belts: 11
Distracted Driving (Cell Phone): 3
Others: 171
Total: 640
12 arrests for impaired driving.
1 Deadly collision, 7 collisions with wounded.

Road safety is everyone’s business
These operations, deployed during the long weekend, aim to reduce the number of victims on the roads. It is essential to continue police interventions, combined with the messages of awareness and encouraging road users to adopt a more responsible driving method, thereby reducing the number of collisions, injuries and deaths.

Remember that the main causes of collisions are often related to the human factor. The Sûreté reminds drivers that they must adopt responsible behaviours to make Quebec’s roads safer.