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The Sûreté du Québec : reminder of road security measure during the school year

The Sûreté du Québec : reminder of road security measure during the school year

28 August 2020 à 12:00 am

The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) issued a press release Wednesday, reminding residents of the highway safety code as schools across the province begin to re-open. Hundreds of thousands of students will be back on the road to school, as a result the presence of school buses, pedestrians, cyclists and crossing guards will increase traffic on the road network. All road users will need to be extra careful to keep everyone safe.

CHIP 101.9 spoke to Sgt. Marc Tessier, an information officer for the Sûreté du Québec. During which, Tessier highlighted the new measures introduced by the Quebec Government for public and school transportation, parents preferring to drive their children and the new measures in school, having an impact on the amount of traffic on the road network.

The SQ also reminded drivers of the importance of respecting stopped buses, areas reserved for buses, areas where parking is prohibited and drop-off areas. As many parents once again prepare to drop their child off at school; they must also make sure to do so safely and to avoid reckless manoeuvres such as double parking and “U” turns.

To learn more, listen to the full interview with Marc Tessier here.

Road safety: what are the rules?
• Obey posted speed limits. In a school zone, from Monday to Friday, from September to June, the speed limit cannot exceed 50 km/h between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. The fine will be doubled if the offense is committed within the specified period.

• Drivers or cyclists approaching a bus or minibus assigned to the transportation of children, whose intermittent red lights are on or when a mandatory stop signal is used, must stop more than five meters from the bus or minibus. In addition, a driver or cyclist may only pass when the intermittent red lights are off and the mandatory stop signal is closed. While ensuring that the pass is done safely. If not, 9 demerit points with be taken from the driver.

• When traffic is directed by a peace officer, a school crossing guard or a flag person responsible for directing traffic during roadwork, any person must, despite any indication to the contrary, obey their orders and signals.