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The Sûreté du Quebec met Pontiac students

The Sûreté du Quebec met Pontiac students

2 November 2018 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:48 am

On Halloween day, Sergeant Yves Martineau and officer Marc-Olivier Chabot of the SQ, dressed up as Batman and Robin, paid a visit to eight schools across the MRC Pontiac and over 600 preschool students from grades 1-3. At the schools, they gave a speech explaining the basic rules of how to stay safe on Halloween.


Sergeant Martineau showed up in front of the different schools windows with a black police vehicle, flashing the car lights, before exiting the car dressed up as Batman. According to a statement issued by the SQ, all the students were pleasantly surprised to see the caped crusader at their school.
