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The SQ will step up its surveillance of heavy vehicles

The SQ will step up its surveillance of heavy vehicles

12 November 2020 à 12:00 am

The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) has informed road users that it will intensify its interventions targeting heavy vehicles today (November 12). This major day of operations aims to educate and prevent everyone when it comes to driving with a heavy vehicle.

The objective of this operation is to encourage drivers to be responsible and to be careful in their journeys and to ensure compliance with the Highway Safety Code. Inappropriate driving is one of the main causes of fatal collisions involving heavy vehicles, according to the SQ.

Road controllers from the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) will join the operations to make their contribution to the control of heavy vehicles. This collaboration will make it possible to intervene on all offenses related to heavy vehicles. The police will mainly target the speed, the speed limiter, the non-wearing of the seat belt and the non-compliance with the signs in place in some municipalities for the times and places for traffic.
Speed ​​is one of the main causes of collisions on the road in Quebec. According to some studies, a reduction in the average traffic speed of 5 km / h would reduce the number of collisions by 15% annually.

According to the SQ, if each driver reduced their average speed, the number of injuries and deaths on Quebec roads would be considerably reduced each year:

 12 fewer fatalities for a reduction of 1 km / h
 60 fewer deaths for a reduction of 5 km / h
 120 fewer deaths for a reduction of 10 km / h
The data is based on a total of 400 deaths.

The simultaneous operation will involve 31 units from the West District, including the Mauricie, Lanaudière, Laurentides and Outaouais regions. The police will intervene according to four axes: education, prevention, intervention and communication. Police presence, interventions and awareness of drivers will be increased in the West District, including the Pontiac.