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The spring flood also disrupts the activities of the Quad Club

The spring flood also disrupts the activities of the Quad Club

6 May 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:54 am

The Pontiac Quad Club has announced that the Leslie Lake Trail towards Crawford Road is currently closed. Club members will receive the necessary information upon reopening. The other trails are also closed according to the Club’s publication, which says it wants to ensure the safety of its members. The Club says it plans to start the inspection of the trails shortly and hopes to open them over the long weekend of May.

Gracieuseté - Club Quad Pontiac facebook

Gracieuseté – Club Quad Pontiac facebook

As a reminder, today is the deadline to obtain a summer access pass at a cost of $ 180. The cost will be $ 200 thereafter. Cards are available online or by visiting one of the points of sale.
