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The situation in Fort-Coulonge

The situation in Fort-Coulonge

10 May 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 5 July 2023 à 12:46 pm

The Village of Fort-Coulonge has received additional infrastructure equipment. In spite of everything, this municipality had to contend with rumours that, according to Mayor Raymond Durocher, only complicate the work of those responsible for dealing with the situation. The mayor confirms that there is not a boil water advisory in effect:
Clip – Raymond Durocher
In a public notice published yesterday, the municipality of the village of Fort-Coulonge states that residents do not have to boil water before consuming it. Limiting the use of drinking water is being requested as to not to overload the water treatment plant.
To hear the whole French interview with Raymond Durocher, here

Patro - Inondation

Patro – Inondation