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The Reason for Mayor of Grand-Calumet resignation according to Municipal councillors

The Reason for Mayor of Grand-Calumet resignation according to Municipal councillors

8 June 2017 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:34 am

Pierre Fréchette

Pierre Fréchette

A letter sent by former mayor of Grand-Calumet Island Pierre Fréchette to the volunteer firefighters of Grand-Calumet Island following an incident at the municipal hall, is what, according to current municipal councillors, explains his resignation . The deputy mayor Jean-Louis Corriveau believes that this letter should have been discussed during the public council meeting.

In an email received by CHIP and at the last Monday night’s meeting, Pierre Féchette said that no resident or councillor should receive special treatment. This would be contrary to the regulations and code of ethics and, in order to comply with this principle, he resigned.

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