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The Pontiac pays tribute to Dr. Zhivkov

The Pontiac pays tribute to Dr. Zhivkov

31 March 2021 à 12:00 am

The Pontiac community will see one of its most involved and valued physicians in the region retire today. Dr. Alexandre Zhivkov arrived in Fort-Coulonge / Mansfield when the health field was very different in the Pontiac.

CHIP 101.9 had the chance to speak with patients of Dr Zhivkov who recalled the positive impact he had in the region upon his arrival. Suzanne Labine, a long-time patient, recalls that Dr Zhivkov has often been the family physician for several generations.

“He was the doctor for my grandparents, my parents, myself and my children. When he arrived, it was a big bang in the community, since he was young, so we were going to keep him for a long time and in addition he was French-speaking, which was new for us, ”says Suzanne Labine.

For Gaétane Graveline, Dr. Zhivkov’s career has been decisive for the community which, with his arrival, was able to count on an involved doctor who immediately integrated well into the Pontiac. His retirement will be a significant void.

“It’s a big void, it’s the doctor that we adopted, that we have had all our life, that we know and many of us are now in our sixties,” emphasizes Gaétane Graveline.

Suzanne Labine also mentioned Dr. Zhivkov’s passion for hunting and fishing, a subject that could sometimes lengthen medical appointments.

“Some patients have often been advised not to talk too much about hunting or fishing, otherwise the Dr will sometimes get into a long conversation,” says Suzanne Labine with humor.

CHIP 101.9 will be releasing more articles on Dr. Zhivkov’s career and accomplishments in the near future.