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The Pontiac Kidney Walk stands out

The Pontiac Kidney Walk stands out

10 July 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:57 am

In a press release issued a few weeks ago regarding the first edition of the Pontiac Kidney Walk which was held on May 26th in Shawville as part of the Canadian Kidney Foundation, it was described as an “unprecedented success”. The co-organizer of the event, Francine Lyrette, shared the reaction of the Quebec Division of the Kidney Foundation when making the announcement that the Pontiac Kidney Walk raised more than $ 19,000, while the initial goal was $ 10,000.

Francine Lyrette was also personally amazed at the results of the Kidney Walk in Shawville.

The money raised will support funding for medical research, patient services and the promotion of organ donation.

Note that Shawville Hospital now offers dialysis services to treat this type of illness. The organizers of the Pontiac Kidney Walk hope their event will also be successful next year.

The complete interview in French with Francine Lyrette is available here.
