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The Pontiac goes into the red zone (maximum alert) as of this Thursday

The Pontiac goes into the red zone (maximum alert) as of this Thursday

15 December 2020 à 12:00 am

The Pontiac will go into the Sustained Maximum Alert Zone in red starting Thursday, December 17, until January 11. This is what the Premier of Quebec François Legault announced in the last hours. This change from the orange to red zone could be temporary only for the period indicated, i.e. until January 11.

Teleworking will be compulsory, with some exceptions, from this Thursday, December 17. The return to school is extended to January 11 in elementary school; distance learning courses will be offered and on-call service will be available for priority workers. Also, the Quebec government has announced that single people can join the bubble of another and unique family for the holiday season.

Here is the link of the red zone level measurements.

Here are the main measures of the red zone:
No home or cottage visits (except for people living alone who can receive a single visitor, caregivers, people offering services or support, and labor for work already planned)

No visits to CHSLDs, private residences and intermediate resources for the elderly except for caregivers and visits for humanitarian purposes

No private gathering

No activity in public places (except for events permitted with masks, places of worship and funerals)

Interregional travel is not recommended