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The Ottawa River: risk of flooding by the end of the week

The Ottawa River: risk of flooding by the end of the week

17 April 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 10:53 am

According to a Press Release issued by the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board, Tuesday afternoon, it was said that water levels and flows along the Ottawa River are expected to increase rapidly over the next few days as a result of runoff from rain and snowmelt.

According to the weather forecast, a significant amount of rain (30 to 55 mm) is expected to start on Thursday. This precipitation will increase water levels and flow of the Ottawa river. The Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board stated that this rainfall will cause minor floods over the Easter weekend in flood areas along the Ottawa River such as the Coulonge Lake, Chats Lake, Deschênes – Britannia Lake, Pointe – Gatineau, Ottawa – Cumberland, Rockland, Thurso and other vulnerable areas in the Montreal region.

Water levels could reach those observed during the period April 18th to April 21st, 2017, but will remain below the peak levels observed in May 2017. They will however remain below the maximum levels that were reached in May 2017. It should be noted that the snow on the ground for a much of the basin remains twice as large as normal for this time of the year.

The Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board will be reassessing forecast conditions and providing hydrological condition updates on its website daily at

The main reservoirs in the north of the watershed are expected to contain the majority of the increased runoff in the previously mentioned areas. As such, they cannot significantly reduce the flows and levels associated with increased spring runoff. During this critical period, the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board will continue to monitor the situation along the river.

Residents who believe that their property could be flooded should contact their municipality.
