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The new rules of the road

The new rules of the road

23 April 2018 à 12:00 am

The National Assembly unanimously adopted the bill to amend the Highway Safety Code. Many new rules take effect today, while others will come into force gradually. They aim to raise the awareness of each road user to act with caution and respect.

Bill 165, introduced by the Minister of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and the Electrification of Transportation, Mr. André Fortin, introduces new traffic rules that apply to the Quebec highway system that take into account new realities and new technologies.

The aim of changing the Highway Safety Code is to improve safety to all on the roads and help decrease accidents. Some of the changes are based on feedback during consultation sessions held in recent years.

The Ministry of Transport, Sustainable Mobility, and Electrification of Transportation and the Quebec Automobile Insurance Corporation will create a web site dedicated to Highway Safety Code to inform all who use our roadways (pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, motorists, truckers, etc.) of the new rules and when they will take effect.—de-nouvelles-mesures-mises-en-place-pour-ameliorer-la-securite-de-tous-les-usagers-de-la-route-680168143.html