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The municipality of Fort-Coulonge recalls the ban on moving snow on public roads

The municipality of Fort-Coulonge recalls the ban on moving snow on public roads

7 January 2021 à 12:00 am

The municipality of Fort-Coulonge wished to remind its residents that it is forbidden to throw, deposit, plow or allow the plowing of snow, ice or any object on private land or on public roads or in a public place, including land belonging to the municipality, without having previously obtained the permission of the owner of the place. This is what the municipality wanted to remind on Tuesday, December 29, referring to Article 13 of By-law 2012-226 on health, environment, nuisance and safety.

“If we have reasonable grounds to believe that a person has committed a violation of this by-law, the Sureté du Québec will be notified which, according to Article 29 of the same regulation:” the peace officers of the Sûreté du Québec and any person designated by by-law of the municipality, are authorized to issue statements of offense and undertake the appropriate criminal proceedings, for and on behalf of the municipality, for a violation of this by-law ”indicated the Deputy Director General Renée Lance.

The link to the regulation is available here.