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The MRC Pontiac wants to protect its relationship with businesses

The MRC Pontiac wants to protect its relationship with businesses

12 September 2019 à 12:00 am

The MRC Pontiac told the CHIP 101.9 newsroom that it wants to “maintain a relationship of trust with the companies,” while refusing to confirm whether or not there were financial payments from the MRC to Eureka93.

On March 20th, the Regional Council of Mayors of the MRC Pontiac stated that it wants to maintain “its support for the Livewell project” by extending the six-month agreement they had signed with the company.

“It is (…) unanimously resolved that following 31 March 2019, the $100 000 grant agreement will be extended for a 6-month period with new conditions, which will be specified by the Economic Development department of the MRC Pontiac,” mentioned the minutes of the meeting in question.

“Given the MRC’s interest in maintaining a relationship of trust with companies and its responsibility to protect information that could affect business operations, the normal practice of the MRC is not to confirm financial payments prior to an official announcement or when the annual balance sheet is issued for the Territorial Development Fund (TDF).” – MRC Pontiac

Excerpt from the Minutes of the MRC Pontiac Council Meeting held on March 20th, 2019
C.M. 2019-03-34 16 LIVEWELL
(non official translation)
Whereas the need to clarify that the MRC Pontiac did not revoke the grant of $100 000 for the Livewell project;
Whereas the actual agreement regarding the said grant does not end until March 31st, 2019;
Therefore, it is motioned by Regional Councillor Mrs. Colleen Larivière and unanimously resolved that following 31 March 2019, the $100 000 grant agreement will be extended for a 6-month period with new conditions, which will be specified by the Economic Development department of the MRC Pontiac.
It is also resolved that the Livewell project has the continuous support of the MRC Pontiac.