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The Ministry continues to assess their actions and doesn’t rule out recourse

The Ministry continues to assess their actions and doesn’t rule out recourse

7 January 2020 à 12:00 am

Environment – The Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques (MELCC) continues to “assess the actions to be taken” in the file that opposes them to Pontiac Sorting Center, and does not “rule out recourse” to ensure a return to compliance.

In its response to the CHIP 101.9 newsroom, the Department mentioned that they are “continuing to rigorously follow up on the file, to ensure that the company complies with Order No. 681, to the laws and regulations.” The MELCC have been brief with comments since May 23, 2019, the lawyers of the Sorting Center filed, with the Administrative Tribunal of Quebec (TAQ), a motion to contest the order. The hearing is scheduled to take place from May 11th to 15th, 2020.

The Ministry of the Environment is currently analyzing an authorization request, filed by the Pontiac Sorting Center, to establish and operate a technical landfill (LET) at the Bioparc. Several discussions took place with the promoter in order to clarify certain elements of the project.

At a press conference held on December 13th, the Pontiac Sorting Center said it had laid-off 32 employees, because of the delays in obtaining this certificate of authorization. “The Ministry does not care about jobs in the Pontiac,” said Raymond Durocher of the sorting center.

The Ministry wanted to clarify that its role, as with all demands, is to ensure that the project covered by the authorization request complies with all applicable environmental laws. The Pontiac Sorting Center will therefore have to be patient before seeing a decision rendered in this file.

Excerpt from the response given by the Ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques to questions from CHIP 101.9

What is the Sorting Center asking for?
The Department is analyzing a request for a certificate of authorization (CA) filed by Pontiac sorting Center for the establishment and operation of a technical landfill (LET) at the Bioparc.
Several discussions took place with the promoter in order to clarify certain elements relating to its project. In this file, as it is the case for all the authorization requests it receives, the role of the Ministry is to ensure that the project covered by the authorization request complies with all of the legislation that applies.

Are there any legal procedures underway?
On October 16th, 2018, the company was found guilty of four offenses under the Environmental Quality Act. The Pontiac Sorting Center was thus ordered to pay $40,747.

The Minister then signed an order which was served to the company on April 23rd 2019. It aims to restore the site and respect the operation of the sorting center in accordance with the certificate of authorization, which was issued by the Ministry on June 8th, 2012 and amended on May 20th, 2014.

On May 23, 2019, the lawyers for the company filed a motion to contest the order. That hearing is scheduled for May 11th to 15th, 2020, to the Administrative Tribunal of Quebec (TAQ).

The Department continues to conduct rigorous follow-up on this file to ensure that the business complies with Order No. 681, to the laws and regulations. The Department continues to assess the actions to be taken and does not rule out any recourse to ensure a return to compliance.
Given the current legal procedures, the Ministry will not make any other comments so as to not interfere with the judicial process.