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The Minister of Education responds to questions on Bill 40

The Minister of Education responds to questions on Bill 40

22 November 2019 à 12:00 am

The Quebec government’s Bill No. 40 has made headlines several times in recent weeks with the reaction of certain groups and unions to the proposed changes, which are changing the organization and governance of the Education Act. Our journalist Élizabeth Séguin spoke with the Minister of Education and Higher Education, Jean-François Roberge, who indicated how important it is for him to reform the school system.

Tabled October 1st at the National Assembly, the bill aims to replace school boards by “school service centers”, managed by a board of directors composed of parents, community representatives and staff to assume administrative responsibilities.

A recent campaign launched by the Centrale des syndicats du Quebec (CSQ) entitled ” Réforme Roberge : danger d’inégalités! raises fears about giving more power to this board, the loss of school democracy, limiting staff autonomy in decision-making, and possible competitiveness between schools. According to Mr. Roberge, Bill 40 will instead provide a power of initiative that could be beneficial to the Pontiac.

Last September, the Council of Mayors of the MRC Pontiac adopted a resolution in support of the Hauts-Bois-de-l’Outaouais School Board, in order to reiterate the importance of the local school governance system and the election of local commissioners, particularly in rural areas such as the Pontiac.

The complete interview with the Minister of Education and Higher Education, Jean-François Roberge, is available here.