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The laiterie de l’Outaouais offers a taste testing to municipal employees in Mansfield

The laiterie de l’Outaouais offers a taste testing to municipal employees in Mansfield

12 December 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:03 am

The laiterie de l’Outaouais was in Mansfield this week for taste testing as part of its « Notre lait au travail » contest. The president and CEO of the company, Georges Émond explained this initiative.

The laiterie de l’Outaouais, whose milk comes, in part, from Pontiac farmer, including Pontiac Dairy, will celebrate their 10th anniversary in June 2020. Over the years, the company developed its products and offers now, in addition to its regular and chocolate milk, cream, salted butter and, most recently, lactose free milk.

The complete interview in French is available here.
