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The importance of adopting responsible and safe behavior, both on the trails and on the water -SQ

The importance of adopting responsible and safe behavior, both on the trails and on the water -SQ

17 June 2022 à 12:00 am

With the arrival of good weather, the Sûreté du Québec wishes to remind recreational vehicle users of the importance of adopting responsible and safe behavior in order to reduce the risk of being involved in a collision or other unfortunate situation.

“Whether on a quad, in a watercraft or in the practice of a nautical activity, in the majority of cases, human behavior is at the origin of deplorable events. Since the beginning of the year, we have deplored one death in Quad and seven deaths related to boating. The police want to make all recreational vehicle users aware of the importance of respecting laws and regulations. Whether it’s the Off-Road Vehicle Act (LVHR), the Highway Safety Code (CSR), the Criminal Code, sometimes municipal by-laws, compliance with the regulations ensures everyone’s safety”, indicated the Quebec Security. (Translated)

The principle of prudence defined in the CSR provides that all road users are required, especially with regard to those who are more vulnerable than themselves, to act with caution and respect when traveling on a public road. The vulnerable user is, for his part, required to adopt behaviors that promote his safety. This precautionary principle also applies to off-road vehicles and watercraft. Working alongside several other users, whether on trail, off trail or on bodies of water, everyone’s behavior has a direct influence on everyone’s safety.

“ The tranquility of landowners and residents remains a concern ”, mentions the SQ. Indeed, the LVHR provides that ATV users cannot drive on private property without prior authorization from the owners. In addition to being an offence, the use of private land for recreational purposes without authorization sometimes generates noise complaints that affect the tranquility of the neighborhood.

“In closing, it is very important that users of off-road recreational vehicles, watercraft or equipment related to water activities such as the paddle board, which has become very popular, not only know the regulations in force, but that they are familiar with the handling of their vehicle or recreational equipment. Inexperience is a contributing factor to many avoidable situations ”, concludes the SQ. (Translated)