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The Impératif français denounces residents who live in Quebec but who pay their taxes in Ontario

The Impératif français denounces residents who live in Quebec but who pay their taxes in Ontario

9 May 2020 à 12:00 am

The Impératif français released a press release this week denouncing people who live in Quebec but who pay their taxes in Ontario. In the press release, Impératif français mentions that, since travel is limited, controlled and prohibited for reasons of public health, there are questions to be asked, according to Impératif français, the owners of parked Ontario-registered automobiles in the driveways of Outaouais residences who reside full-time in Quebec. The president of Impératif français, Jean-Paul Perrault, even qualified these acts of tax fraud.

Jean-Paul Perrault’s statements, in French, are available in the full interview here.

Note that road checks will be lifted this Monday across the Pontiac. In the Outaouais, only roadside checks between Gatineau and Ottawa will still be in effect.