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The Comptoir St-Pierre has created 600 masks for Pontiac organizations

The Comptoir St-Pierre has created 600 masks for Pontiac organizations

3 June 2020 à 12:00 am

Le Comptoir St-Pierre has decided to create 600 masks which will be given to various Pontiac organizations, to help them continue their operations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As explained by the assistant director of the Comptoir St-Pierre, Maria Nathalie Medeiros, organizations such as AutonHomme Pontiac, L’EntourElle, Bouffe Pontiac, the Jardin Éducatif, the Maison de la Famille, the Maison des Jeunes and Transport Action, will be able to benefit from this initiative.

The full interview with Maria Nathalie Medeiros is available here.

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