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The composition of the new committee will be known soon

The composition of the new committee will be known soon

20 October 2019 à 12:00 am

Though the decision, by the council of mayors, to dissolve the committee to establish a provincial park in the Îles Lafontaine, the subject of the future committee was brought up during the meeting of the Mayors on Wednesday. When asked by CHIP 101.9, the Warden of MRC Pontiac Jane Toller mentioned that a new committee, with a new vision and new members, will be set up soon along with the composition of the new committee.

The Mayor of Campbell’s Bay Maurice Beauregard has expressed confidence in this new committee. He mentioned wanting to see a new approach for the project in particular following the revelations, by CHIP 101.9, revealing the Mayor of Ile-du-Grand-Calumet, Serge Newberry, who owns two islands bordering the outlined proposed park site, assets that had not declared to the council of mayor despite several months of the committee’s operations. It should be noted that the council of mayors of the MRC Pontiac has resolved to proceed with providing information on this ”perceived conflict of interest by Mayor Newberry to the Commission Municipal du Québec (CMQ).