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The CJEP reveals new logo and invites the public to 2022 Pontiac job fair

The CJEP reveals new logo and invites the public to 2022 Pontiac job fair

14 September 2022 à 12:00 am

Updated on 22 November 2022 à 2:43 pm

The Carrefour jeunesse-emploi du Pontiac (CJEP) has adopted a new logo and communications strategy in order to improve its visibility and add to the number of people the serve in the region. The non-profit organization offers a number of employment assistance programs for Pontiacers aged 15 to 65.

Intervention Services Coordinator Jessica Kelly told CHIP 101.9 about why they decided to spruce up their logo.

Kelly also spoke about their second annual virtual job fair, which is coming up on October 18. She explained that they decided to

The full interview with Kelly (6m50) is available here.

Relevant links:

Carrefour jeunesse-emploi du Pontiac

La Défriche

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