The CISSS de l’Outaouais encourages the population to take action
The CISSS de l’Outaouais encourages the population to take action
The 31st Suicide Prevention Week is currently taking place until February 6 under the theme “Talking about suicide saves lives“. In the Outaouais, the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de l’Outaouais encourages the population to take action to prevent suicide by encouraging people to speak out and standardizing the request for help. The CISSS de l’Outaouais recalled that help resources exist, in particular the digital platform and the telephone line 1 866-APPELLE (277-3553).
“Suicide affects all citizens. Each of us may at one time or another have to act for a friend, relative or colleague. In the Pontiac, you can follow the activities of the community organization AutonHomme Pontiac in the community. There will be the distribution of awareness kits for people’s mental health in local pharmacies and the launch of the Autonhomme Pontiac Facebook page to promote life. ” explains Marie Hortas, from the CISSS de l’Outaouais.
“It is by opening dialogue and listening that we will be able to strengthen the human net around vulnerable people. Whether you want to express your distress, support a loved one who is not doing well or raise awareness in your community, talking about suicide is an essential starting point for prevention, ”believes Marie Hortas, from the CISSS de l’Outaouais.
The CISSS de l’Outaouais invites people to watch the video & and consult the website of the Quebec Association for Suicide Prevention (AQPS).
The full interview with Marie Hortas is available here.
Resources available in the Outaouais for suicide prevention
Digital platform
Line 1 866-APPELLE (277-3553).
Info-Social 811, option 2
Suicide Détour –
Gatineau-Valley 819 441-1010
Tel-Aide Outaouais –
Gatineau 819 775-3223
Elsewhere in the Outaouais 1 800-567-969
(Prevention in mental health)
Adults 24/7 help center –
Phone 819 595-3476
(Help, support and accompaniment services in
crisis situation)
20 years old and under Kids Help Phone – kids help
1 800 668-6868
(Prevention in mental health and well-being)
Tel-Jeunes –
Telephone: 1 800 263-2266, Text: 514 600-1002
Parents of children 20 and under
Parents Line –
1 800 361-5085
Bereaved by suicide
Inter-Section Center –
819 568-4555