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The Cinéma Répertoire’s last screening before the holidays: ‘Le Boréal Express’

The Cinéma Répertoire’s last screening before the holidays: ‘Le Boréal Express’

6 December 2019 à 12:00 am

Updated on 13 September 2022 à 11:02 am

The organization Phare Ouest unveiled the title of its December film as part of the cinéma répertoire 2019. The film will be: Boréal Express (Polar Express), an American animation released in 2004, directed by Robert Zemeckis.

The film will be presented Thursday, December 12th at the salle de l’age d’or in Fort-Coulonge at 7pm. Phare Ouest will return in 2020, for the rest of its annual programming, on January 22nd. More details at

Teh complete interview in available here.
