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The CAQ Candidate Olive Kamanyana critics of André Fortin

The CAQ Candidate Olive Kamanyana critics of André Fortin

10 September 2018 à 12:00 am

The Candidate for the Coalition Avenir Quebec Olive Kamayana officially launched her campaign today where she took the opportunity to thanked Équité Outaouais for organising the debate on Thursday in Aylmer and to criticize André Fortin.

Kamanyana Wrote on Facebook post: ” Even if M. Fortin is one of M. Couillard’s Cabinet members the Economie in Aylmer is still based on federal employment, the rural municipalities do not have the structure needed to create jobs to keep youth around” She said that André Fortin is not proactive, that he did not take advantage of the 11 million tourists in Ottawa last year saying it’s a result of faulty infrastructure in Aylmer and rural areas to be able to keep tourists in the area. She finished the post by saying the project for a new hospital promised by the liberal Party is one of the major platforms of the CAQ in the upcoming elections.

A debate will be held in the MRC Pontiac this Thursday, September 13, at the Recreational Center in Campbell’s Bay at 6:30pm and it’s open to the public.